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الخميس، 1 أغسطس 2013

wiki books in Electrical Engineering section

wiki books in Electrical Engineering section

Photo: A series of short books , some of it is completed and the other is under construction, called "Wikibooks"- in most of the fields.

Electrical Engineering section :
* But one of the best is the subtitled "Circuit Idea" which discusses some of the most 
vague circuits intuitively_under construction.
- Put in your mind : Physics is for understanding but mathematics is for design. Don't 
expect faithful understanding from maths.

for ex. compare this approach with the one you study 
"How the Wilson current mirror equalizes the input and output currents"

A series of short books , some of it is 

completed and the other is under 

construction, called "Wikibooks"- in most of 

the fields.

Electrical Engineering section


* But one of the best is the subtitled "Circuit 

Idea" which discusses some of the most 

vague circuits intuitively_under construction.

 Put in your mind : Physics is for 

understanding but mathematics is for 



expect faithful understanding from maths.

for ex. compare this approach with the one 

you study 

"How the Wilson current mirror equalizes the 

input and output currents"


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