PhtoShop CS6 2013
احدث اصدار فوتوشوب cs6 2013
اضافات لم تكن فى الاصدارات السابقة
- Very simple but attractive environment and high efficiency
- - Support almost all video format available
- - Use of high quality and unique HDR
- - Design of three-dimensional images
- - Design a new animation is added to complete
- - Display of colors with different criteria
- - Separation color simply
- - Mix a few colors to get the desired color
- - Effects, filters, brushes are super nice and very numerous
- - Zoom into images on a very high degree of
- - Compatibility with other Adobe software such as Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Encore DVD and ...
- - Create menus for DVD quality movies
- - Ability to multi-layer images to change the professional
- - Full facilities on the image to change, such as rotate, zoom, resize, change color and ...
- - Full compatibility with Lightroom
- - Powerful communication between computers and digital devices with Photoshop
- - Feature on the film frame by frame basis, without the slightest changes in the quality
- - The quality of the printed pages
- - Ability to rotate images 360 degrees
- - Change the angle of light images simply and completely customized
- - Tab Browsing incredibly useful feature that helps professionals quickly
- - Compatibility with popular software, Adobe Acrobat PDF format
- - One color images with automatic
- - The ability to more easily manage menus
- - New and interesting possibilities for online use
- - The speed with better compatibility with graphics processors
- - Optimized for 64-bit version for faster processing
- - Manage multimedia files extremely easy
- - Automatic lens for images
- - Easier to select the desired part of the picture
- - New and interesting effects, including effects on the design of floodlight
- - Ability to rotate images without having to disassemble part of the whole picture
- - Support for sweet Persian language
- - Compatibility with different versions of Windows, including the popular Windows 7
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